Climate Fresk workshop: Empowering Women to Tackle Climate Change [FAJ x FEW Japan]

FAJ and FEW Japan, two leading communities empowering women in Japan, in collaboration with the Ichigo Bloom collective, invite you to an exclusive Climate Fresk workshop on September 29th at Impact Hub Tokyo, to deepen your understanding of climate change, equip you to lead sustainability initiatives, and develop your professional network – all while having fun!

Event Details

  • Date: Sunday, September 29th, from 12:30 to 18:00 
  • Location: Deli at Communita located inside Impact Hub Tokyo, Meguro (Google Maps)
  • Agenda:
    • 12:30 – Doors Open
    • 13:00-16:00: Climate Fresk Workshop
    • 16:00-18:00 – Networking Session

About the Climate Fresk 

The Climate Fresk, a renowned educational workshop born in France after the Paris Agreement, transforms the complexities of climate science into an engaging and accessible format. Using a gamified, card-based approach, this workshop simplifies intricate climate mechanisms based on the IPCC reports, making them clear and understandable for all.

As a participant, you’ll gain valuable insights into the science of climate change, enhancing your ability to lead meaningful discussions and drive sustainable practices both in your professional environment and community. This special session for members of FAJ (Facilitating Women’s Ambition in Japan) and FEW Japan (For Empowering Women Japan) will not only hone your critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also foster a sense of community and shared purpose among like-minded women.

The 40+ participants gathered in Deli at Communita located inside Impact Hub Tokyo, a dynamic space for impact entrepreneurs, will be guided by skilled facilitators from Ichigo Bloom, a collective of sustainability educators in Japan. This interactive experience will culminate in a networking session where you can further your connections over drinks and snacks.

Register now!

Pssst! Not a member of FEW Japan or FAJ yet? Join them now to participate to this event, and many more activities offered by these associations!

  • More about FEW Japan (For Empowering Women): FEW Japan is a collective of globally-minded, English-speaking women who motivate, inspire, and connect with one another through powerful programming, intimate gatherings, and a constant exchange of ideas.
  • More about FAJ (Facilitating Women’s Ambition in Japan): FAJ’s goal is to empower women in Japan through a supportive and inclusive community. FAJ collaborates with various stakeholders, including public organizations, the private sector, and individuals of all genders, to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Why Attend?

  • Deepen your understanding of climate change
  • Expand your professional network
  • Connect with like-minded women
  • Have fun on a Sunday afternoon!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow within a vibrant community dedicated to empowering women and fostering professional and personal development.

Lead Facilitators

  • Mahi Patki (Programs Co-Director FEW Japan, Ichigo Bloom, )
  • Diana Benikhlef (Member Experience Leader FAJ, Ichigo Bloom )
  • Sakura Hamaoka (Ichigo Bloom)
  • Stéfan Le Dû (Ichigo Bloom)

Additional facilitators may join to support or observe the sessions.


  • Please register only if you can participate for the entire duration of the Climate Fresk workshop (13:00-16:00). You may leave the networking (16:00-18:00) anytime you wish. 
  • To support our host, Impact Hub Tokyo, which generously provides the venue free of charge, all participants are kindly requested to purchase at least one drink from the Deli at Communita located inside Impact Hub Tokyo.
  • Photos and short videos might be taken during the event, and published on the website and social media of the organizing partners FAJ, FEW Japan and Ichigo Bloom.